% Downloaded from https://alexball.me.uk/docs/lyon.etal2012dcc/natbib @inproceedings{lyon.etal2012dcc , author = {Liz Lyon and Alex Ball and Monica Duke and Michael Day} , editor = {Reagan Moore, Kevin Ashley, Seamus Ross} , title = {Developing a Community Capability Model Framework for data-intensive research} , year = {2012} , month = oct , booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects (iPRES 2012)} , abstract = {Researchers across a range of fields have been inspired by the possibilities of data-intensive research. In many cases, however, researchers find themselves unable to take part due to a lack of facilities, insufficient access to data, cultural disincentives, and a range of other impediments. In order to develop a deeper understanding of this, UKOLN, University of Bath and Microsoft Research have been collaborating on developing a Community Capability Model Framework (CCMF) designed to assist institutions, research funding-bodies and researchers to enhance the capability of their communities to perform data-intensive research. This paper explores the rationale for using capability modelling for informing the development of data-intensive research and outlines the main capability factors underlying the current version of the CCMF.} , venue = {1--5 October 2012, Toronto} }