% Downloaded from https://alexball.me.uk/docs/whyte.ball2013dpp/natbib @report{whyte.ball2013dpp , author = {Angus Whyte and Alex Ball} , title = {Data Publishing, Peer Review and Repository Accreditation: Everyone a Winner?} , year = {2013} , month = may , type = {Annex to PREPARDE Deliverable} , number = {D5.1} , address = {Didcot} , publisher = {British Atmospheric Data Centre} , abstract = {This report describes a workshop held by the PREPARDE Project on 17 January 2013 at the Mövenpick Hotel, Amsterdam as part of the 8th International Digital Curation Conference. The workshop discussed the relationships between traditional journals, data journals and data repositories. Of particular interest was how repositories might establish themselves as trustworthy, so that journal publishers and academic institutions might recommend them to authors as places to deposit the data underlying their publications.} }