Gnu in the Zoo — 4 of 30

Alex Ball

Release 3

Section 2 - Interacting with others

Report an actor touching (this is the replacement report touching other people rule):

if the noun is a person:

if the actor is the player:

say "That would not be appropriate in this case." (A);

otherwise if the noun is the player:

say "[The actor] [touch] [us]." (B);


say "[The actor] [touch] [the noun]." (C);

stop the action;

continue the action.

The replacement report touching other people rule is listed instead of the report touching other people rule in the report touching rulebook.

A person is either asleep or awake. A person is usually awake.

Instead of asking someone to try doing something when the noun is asleep, say "[The noun] is asleep, not under hypnosis."

For printing a locale paragraph about a thing (called the item) (this is the directly describe what's on scenery supporters in room descriptions rule):

if the item is [not undescribed and the item is] scenery and the item does not enclose the player:

if a locale-supportable thing is on the item:

repeat with possibility running through things on the item:

say "[the initial appearance of the possibility] ";

say "[paragraph break]";

continue the activity.

The directly describe what's on scenery supporters in room descriptions rule is listed instead of the describe what's on scenery supporters in room descriptions rule in the for printing a locale paragraph about rulebook.

Understand "hello" as a mistake ("[if the location contains at least one animal]You get the pleasantries out of the way, though you would be forgiven for skipping them. After all, this is an unsociable hour: best keep it simple. To ask someone to do something, the etiquette is [command prompt]NAME, INSTRUCTION[otherwise]You experience a pang of loneliness, and consider soliciting company by shouting into the void. No. Attracting the attention of everyone nearby is not normally part of a stealth operation[end if].").