Gnu in the Zoo — 25 of 30

Alex Ball

Release 3

Section 2 - South End

The Reptile House South is a room with printed name "Reptile House (South)". "You are in long room, or possibly a wide corridor, that curves around to the north and to the west. Lining the inner of the two walls is a series of large tanks, each of which contains the paraphernalia associated with well cared-for reptiles − branches, logs, rocks and so on. The reptiles themselves, though, are hard to spot; possibly it’s the dim light, possibly they’ve hidden themselves away to sleep[if Odi the Python is in the snake tank]. In one of these tanks, though, the occupant is clearly visible[end if]." It is covered. It is south of the Reptile House North.

The tanks are in the Reptile House South. Understand "paraphernalia" as the tanks. Understand "branches" as the tanks. Understand "logs" as the tanks. Understand "rocks" as the tanks.

A transparent container called the snake tank is in the Reptile House South. "[If Odi the Python is in the snake tank]Coiled and draped over one of the branches in the tank is Odi the Python[otherwise]You stop beside the tank that once held Odi, still recognizable from the immaculate spacing of its contents[end if]." The description of the snake tank is "The tank is full of the usual accoutrements for keeping snakes happy and comfortable. Unusually, everything in the tank is meticulously spaced out. The front glass panel is hinged to one side with a lock embedded on the other." It is fixed in place, lockable and locked. The green key unlocks the snake tank.

Odi the Python is a female animal. "Odi is a vivid green with white spots spaced out along her back. She is coiled into a spiral and draped nonchalantly over a branch. She regards you coolly, flicking her tongue out occasionally to taste the air." She is in the snake tank. She is undescribed.

The branch is an object in the snake tank. "It's just a branch." It is scenery.

Odi the Gnu is a female gnu with description "She’s a gnu. Agnother gnu, though her hide has taken on a greenish hue."

Instead of touching Odi the Python:

remove Odi the Python from play;

now Odi the Gnu is in the Reptile House South;

increase the time of day by five minutes;

say "You gently nuzzle the python with your snout. Ouch! You leap back, thinking for a moment that Odi must have bitten you. But no, it was more like an electric shock. Odi now seems to be bathed in blue light. And bloating. You watch, fascinated, as Odi spills out of the tank onto the floor. Fur sprouts from underneath her scales. Two pairs of bumps appear on her underside, growing obscenely into vestigial limbs.[paragraph break]After five minutes or so, the transformation is complete, and Odi the Gnu rises unsteadily to her unaccustomed feet before you."

The reptile house out-door is a door. "[if the location is the back side of the reptile house out-door]A long, low building arcs around the far side of the pond; it is decorated with pictures of reptiles. The nearest door to the building, east of where you stand, is [end if][if the location is the back side of the reptile house out-door and the reptile house out-door is closed]closed[otherwise if the location is the back side of the reptile house out-door and the reptile house out-door is open]open[otherwise if the reptile house out-door is closed]A door leading out of the reptile house lies closed to the west[otherwise]A door leading out of the reptile house lies open to the west[end if]." It is openable and closed. It is west of the Reptile House South and east of the Lakeside.

[The door needs to be listed last]

Rule for choosing notable locale objects for the Reptile House South:

repeat with item running through things in the Reptile House South:

if the item is a door:

set the locale priority of the item to 6;


set the locale priority of the item to 5.

After going north from the Reptile House South:

increase the time of day by three minutes;

continue the action.

Instead of going nowhere from the Reptile House South when the noun is outside:

try going west.