This Thing That Is Come to Pass

A Christmas carol for SATB and piano.

The idea for this piece came to me in September 2011 while I was sat on a bus to the University of York campus for the final UK e-Science All Hands Meeting. The titular part of the chorus sort of popped into my head fully formed.

Actually getting the thing down in notation, and in particular coming up with a suitable verse, proved rather trickier, and so it has taken many hours of work and years of procrastination for me to get it finally in a form where it might, just might, be performed.

In that original flash of insight, if such it was, I had it in mind for the piece to be sung by a children's choir. The ATB parts are there to give it a bit of depth and additional interest.

It is supposed to be fun and energetic, with a sense of forward movement and excitement. I'm afraid the piano part may require a certain level of endurance.

Summary information


Version 1.0

First public release.

MP3 rendering of the MIDI preview.

Source code

This piece was written using Lilypond. The source code for it is available from my GitLab repository. To compile it yourself, you will also need my house style files.